Monthly Archives: June 2014

Vancouver parks to become more transgender-friendly

In a unanimous vote during an April 28 meeting, the Vancouver Park Board adopted 77 measures to accommodate “trans and gender-variant people” in the city’s parks and recreation facilities, contained in the report, Building a Path to Parks & Recreation for All: Reducing Barriers for Trans* & Gender Variant Community Members, written by the Trans* and Gender-Variant Inclusion Working Group. The authors [...]

2014-06-30T08:42:12-04:00June 30, 2014|Society & Culture|

Anti-nudity pride motion defeated in Toronto

Sam Sotiropoulos, Toronto school board trustee As Toronto’s public school board defeated a motion asking to bar nudity at the city’s June 29 World Pride parade, a Catholic school board in Ontario voiced its opposition to the participation of Catholic teachers in the march. Without a debate, in a 16-6 vote on April 9, the Toronto District School Board rejected [...]

2014-06-30T08:43:21-04:00June 30, 2014|Marriage and Family|

Let’s replace I

 I would’ve liked to have been able to say: “I’m sorry to see you go, Kathleen, but that would’ve been lying.” Inwardly, I’m loudly cheering. A clone of former Premier Dalton McGuinty, Wynne is still promoting his anti-life agenda featuring abortion, euthanasia, and same-sex “marriage,” and pushing paganism on our schools. At this writing, Wynne appears to be in a sinking boat with a [...]

2014-06-30T08:37:33-04:00June 30, 2014|Frank Kennedy|

Gosnell movie kicked off Kickstarter

Kermit Gosness The producers of a movie about abortionist Kermit Gosnell were forced to find other funding for their film after Kickstarter, a crowdfunding website, refused to approve the project. Phelim McAleer, his wife Ann McElhinney, and Magdalena Segieda’s goal was to raise $2.1 million in 45 days for their scripted drama, to be based on the Gosnell trial and [...]

2014-06-30T08:33:40-04:00June 30, 2014|Abortion|

Abortionist kept 34 babies in freezer

The remains of 34 aborted babies were found by police in the freezer of an illegal late-term abortion facility in Elkton, Maryland. The raid was conducted after staff at the nearby Union Hospital alerted police about the unusual behaviour of the facility’s two abortionists when they brought a severely injured victim of a botched abortion to the emergency room, 18-year-old D.B. (the [...]

2014-06-30T08:21:08-04:00June 30, 2014|Abortion|

Polish documentary about Mary Wagner being made

A team of Polish filmmakers is making a documentary featuring Mary Wagner. The film, commissioned and funded by a Polish businessman, is being directed by Grzegorz Braun, who is known for his documentaries about controversial political issues. Zdzisław Sajuk, production manager for the documentary, told The Interim that the film will discuss abortion as a cultural, religious, and philosophical issue, while showing [...]

2014-06-30T08:16:18-04:00June 30, 2014|Activism, Pro-Life|

Bishops speak out against Trudeau diktat

Four leading Catholic bishops have spoken out against Justin Trudeau’s announcement that individuals who hold pro-life views will be banned from running as candidates for the Liberal Party, a policy that does not apply to sitting pro-life Liberal MPs. The bishops have chastised Trudeau for excluding faithful Catholics from seeking elected office under the Liberal banner, promoting abortion while presenting himself as [...]

2014-06-30T08:14:41-04:00June 30, 2014|Abortion, Politics, Religion|

Ontario, N.S. law societies oppose TWU law school

Trinity Western University’s law school has been denied accreditation by Ontario and Nova Scotia and will take the two law societies to court over their decisions. The Langley, B.C.-based Christian university’s Community Covenant that requires students to “voluntarily abstain” from “sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman” has triggered opposition from adversaries who argue that [...]

2014-06-30T08:12:05-04:00June 30, 2014|Society & Culture|

Bits & Pieces

Canada On May 8 NDP MP Niki Ashton (Churchill), critic for women’s affairs, tabled  Motion-510 affirming abortion rights that read: “In the opinion of the House … a woman’s right to choose abortion is a fundamental question of equality and human rights, both in Canada and around the world.” But a week after announcing the motion, the NDP dropped their bid to [...]

2014-06-30T08:09:53-04:00June 30, 2014|Bits n' Pieces|

U.S. Supreme Court strikes down ‘buffer zone’ law

The Supreme Court of the United States has struck down a Massachusetts law barring pro-life protesters from being within 35-feet of an abortion clinic. The unanimous ruling found that the law violated the first amendment protections of freedom of speech. While the ruling was unanimous, there were three opinions (Chief Justice John Roberts was joined by the Court's four liberals, Justice Antonin Scalia [...]

2014-06-26T12:56:52-04:00June 26, 2014|Soconvivium|

Hamilton city council doesn’t like ‘graphic images’

Hamilton’s city council voted last week to complain to the provincial and federal government, asking for a ban of graphic photos of abortion victims. The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform is continuing its “Face the Children” campaign, which seems to be the latest use of graphic images in the area that has upset local politicians. CBC posted a story on the matter, [...]

2014-06-18T13:31:52-04:00June 18, 2014|Soconvivium|

Celebrating childlessness?

Today’s XOJane deception is brought to you by a young woman named Amanda Blum. While working with her in the family garage one day, Blum’s father admitted that he never wanted children. “There was no emotion in his voice about it.” Blum remembered. “It was said with the same emphasis one might use while mentioning what they ate for breakfast.” From a [...]

2014-06-17T14:20:14-04:00June 17, 2014|Soconvivium|


Light is Right Joe Campbell I’ve tried, really I have, but I can’t understand why, as a society, we discriminate so aggressively against homosexuals. Rare is he, or she, who at some point in life does not need help for mental, physical or spiritual disorders, if not all three. But when homosexuals need help, we deny or ignore afflictions that [...]

2014-06-16T10:32:12-04:00June 16, 2014|Joe Campbell|

Judge turns down Wagner application to have experts testify to humanity of unborn

Mary Wagner The judge in Mary Wagner’s current trial has turned down a defence application to have expert witnesses testify to the humanity of the unborn. Charles Lugosi, Wagner’s lawyer, had made the application during two days of hearings before Justice Fergus O’Donnell at the Ontario Court of Justice on May 13 and 14. His intention was to have two [...]

2014-06-30T07:42:22-04:00June 16, 2014|Marriage and Family, Pro-Life, Society & Culture|

Justin’s authoritarian nonsense

Michael Coren Journalist for Life Author’s note: This is a slightly edited version of the monologue I delivered on my nightly television show, The Arena, on Sun News the day after Justin Trudeau’s decision to ban pro-lifers from running for the Liberal Party.  My friend Fr. Stefano Penna, a Yale philosophy Ph.D., is one of the most intelligent, thoughtful, and [...]

2014-06-16T10:25:57-04:00June 16, 2014|Michael Coren|
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