
Conservatism and Globalization

Many of those who are demonstrators against the various international and economic summits conventionally define themselves as anarchists or radical Left. Opposition to capitalism and globalization today is said to belong to the Left. However, it could be argued that some of the profoundest critiques of capitalism, technology, and globalization have historically come from the traditionalist Right (for example, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, [...]

2019-05-21T11:28:51-04:00May 21, 2019|Soconvivium|

Transgressive technologies

Transgressive technologies: Does a posthuman dystopia await us? Mark Wegierski There are a number of highly transgressive technologies on the horizon of development today, which may prove to be the most fundamental challenges ever to the notion of a more stable human nature, and thereby, to what can seen to be "natural" to humankind. Such technologies can be a vehicle for the [...]

2016-12-21T13:42:36-05:00December 21, 2016|Soconvivium|
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