Rev. Royal Hamel

Shining His truth into darkness

If Christmas means anything, it is surely expressed in Matthew 4:16: “The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light and, to those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, upon them a light has dawned.” How marvelous that divine light, encased in human flesh, has shone, shines now and will shine for endless days. It is [...]

2009-12-10T17:34:19-05:00December 10, 2009|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|

The outing of a beauty queen

“Don’t ever compromise. Your goal should be to please God, not please man” – Carrie Prejean The U.S.A., at this moment, is engaged in an escalating culture war on the issue of same-sex “marriage.” If the battle plays out as it did in Canada, many Christians and many churches will largely run for cover, instead of speaking clearly what the Bible has [...]

2009-07-20T12:01:03-04:00June 20, 2009|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|

The Light of the World has come

It is not the worst of times, but it is certainly not the best. Cultural darkness in the West seems to be deepening. And it may well be a harbinger of greater darkness to come. In any case, we do well to remind ourselves, “The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” We are seeing a resurgence [...]

2010-01-13T06:51:57-05:00December 13, 2008|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|

Michaelle Jean re-opens abortion issue

The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honoured among men” - Psalm 12:8. Rarely, if ever, has the awarding of the Order of Canada stirred up so much controversy as when it was announced on July 1 that Henry Morgentaler would be a recipient. The intent was to canonize a hero of the abortion “rights” movement. But awarding the [...]

2009-12-30T08:53:15-05:00August 30, 2008|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|

Tolerance can undermine truth

If we could see into the heart of most Canadians, I believe we would see a little goddess called “see-no-evil” perched prominently on their souls. I think the same goddess is carried by multitudes of Christians into services every Sunday. It has been observed that if you keep telling people the same lie over and over again, it will finally be accepted [...]

2009-12-28T10:32:18-05:00May 28, 2008|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|

This is a time to speak up

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” Persecution of Christians by the state has arrived in Canada. I speak of the recent spate of attacks by human [...]

2009-12-23T11:45:56-05:00March 23, 2008|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|

The Kite Runner teaches friendship, atonement

"Hassan!” I called. “Come back with it!” He was already turning the street corner, his rubber boots kicking up snow. He stopped, turned. He cupped his hands around his mouth. “For you, a thousand times over!” he said. So opens the pivotal event in The Kite Runner, a novel by Khaled Hosseini. The movie version, which is now in theatres, was nominated for [...]

2009-12-23T10:45:33-05:00February 23, 2008|Columnist, Movie Review, Rev. Royal Hamel|

Danger lies in public school funding

The Ontario provincial election of 2007 is history. Conservative leader John Tory is probably history, too, but I will lose little sleep on that account. For arguably, the Tory candidate, despite being named Tory, was the least Tory-like candidate in the history of Ontario politics. There’s no dispute that Tory’s campaign foundered on the issue of providing funding for faith-based schools. He [...]

2009-12-16T15:37:32-05:00January 16, 2008|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|

Learning from atheists

Who would have imagined we would see atheists outing fellow atheists for the supposed good of the country? Well, that is the thinking behind the new Richard Dawkins “OUT Campaign.” Dawkins, one of the foremost atheists of our day and author of the best-selling book The God Delusion, recently published a provocative piece on his website. InThe Out Campaign, he challenges atheists everywhere [...]

2010-07-13T14:13:29-04:00September 13, 2007|Rev. Royal Hamel|

Order of Canada candidates

Governor-General Michaelle Jean outraged many Canadians on June 29 by announcing the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes to the Order of Canada. Hawkes is not only the longstanding pastor of Toronto's Metropolitan Community Church, but also one of the foremost gay activists in Canada and a leading proponent of same-sex "marriage." Several critics of the appointment directed their ire at [...]

2010-06-30T13:23:08-04:00August 30, 2007|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|

Jesus among the missing at Virginia Tech

Readers of this article may be startled by the title. At first glance, it appears that Jesus was a victim of the killer who wantonly shot some 32 people and then himself. Of course, that is not the case. Jesus was missing, however, from the memorial service held on April 17 on the campus of the ill-fated school. At that service, four [...]

2010-04-30T09:14:31-04:00June 30, 2007|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|

Dangerous influence

The Right Rev. Michael Ingham, bishop of the Greater Vancouver Diocese of New Westminster, is on the rampage again, wading anew into the ongoing controversy of sexual ethics in the Anglican Church of Canada. In an address he gave in Ottawa on March 7, 2007, he said, “The Christian church has a deeply flawed understanding of sex that has led to morally [...]

2010-04-08T14:58:33-04:00April 8, 2007|Columnist, Religion, Rev. Royal Hamel|

We must stand for biblical truth

Some 30 years ago, the United Church of Canada was just beginning her long discussion on homosexuality, which culminated in their recent acceptance of same-sex “marriage.” Back in the early 1970s, I remember reading in the church’s official magazine the call for tolerance and the call to reappraise the message of Scripture on this subject. At this present moment, Anglicans from around [...]

2010-03-31T05:45:42-04:00March 31, 2007|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|

Seductive power of ‘the goddess’

“There is no such thing as a new morality. There is only one morality. All else is immorality.” – Theodore Roosevelt Many people would say that we live in a secular society with no room for gods and goddesses. But, I see millions of Canadians devoting themselves to a goddess they do not openly own. No, they don’t see themselves as religious, [...]

2010-01-20T06:42:17-05:00February 20, 2007|Columnist, Rev. Royal Hamel|
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